Order No. Order/Notice Dated
Notification No. PHQ/PRB/2024-16111-20 Revised Provisional Selection List and Waiting List for the Post of Constable (Executive,Armed/IRP,HG/CD/SDRF) in Ladakh Police under TRP. 01-10-24
Order No. 506/2024 Provisional-appointment of Constables of Telecom Cadre in Ladakh Police (Waiting List). 24-8-24
Notification no. PHQ/Per/Const/Tele/EX./Armed/SDRF/2024/12934-39 Cancellation of Offer of Appointment Issued to Provisionally Selected Candidates for the post of constable in Executive/Armed/IRP/HG/CD/SDRFin Ladakh Police. 09-8-24
Notification no. PHQ/Per/Const/Tele/2024/12940-44 Cancellation of Offer of Appointment Issued to Provisionally Selected Candidates for the post of constable in Telecom Cadre Ladakh Police. 09-8-24
Notification no. PHQ/Per/Rct/2024/10127-29 Memorandum regarding Offer of Appointment to the post of Constable in Women Battalion, (Group 'C', Non-Gazetted), in Ladakh Police Department, in Level 2 of pay matrix (Rs.19900-63200). 26-6-24
Notification no. PHQ/Per/Rct/2024/10124-26 Memorandum regarding Offer of Appointment to the post of Constable in Border Battalion, (Group 'C', Non-Gazetted), in Ladakh Police Department, in Level 2 of pay matrix (Rs.19900-63200). 26-6-24
Notification no. PHQ/Per/Rct/2024/9660-64 Notice regarding document verfification for provisionally selected Constable in Border and Women Battalion, Ladakh Police. 19-6-24
Notification no. PHQ/PRB/2024/8845-58 Provisional Selection List and Waiting List for the post of constable in Border Battalion of District Leh & Kargil under TRP. 05-6-24
Notification no. PHQ/PRB/2024/8829-44 Provisional Selection List and Waiting List for the post of constable in Women Battalion of District Leh & Kargil under TRP. 05-6-24
Order no. 184/2024 Distribution/ Provisional appointment of Constables in Ladakh Police. 11-3-24
Order no. 185/2024 Provisional appointment of Constables (Telecom Cadre) in Ladakh Police. 11-3-24
Order no. 186/2024 Approval for engagement as SPO's in General/ Border Catagory. 11-3-24
LPSSRB/2024/1957-69 Tentative answer key for the OMR based objective type written examination for the post of constable(Women/Border)Battalion. 6-3-24
LPSSRB/2024/1896-1907 Notice regarding the conduct of written test examination for the post of constable (Women & Border Bn) in Ladakh Police. 26-2-24
LPSSRB/2024/1851-65 Notice regarding the conduct of written test examination for various post in Ladakh Police. 29-1-24
PHQL/SP/HG/2024/180-85 Notice regarding Temporary Engagement of Voluntary Home Guards for period of 06 years to fillup vacancy in Home Guards unit Leh and Kargil. 29-1-24
PHQ/PRB/2024/1637-40 Notice regarding result of written test for the post of Constable in Ladakh Police. 27-1-24
LPSSRB/R-Cts./2024/1769-72 Memorandum regarding Notification issued by PHQ UT Ladakh vide No. PHQ/PRB/2024-678-88 dated 11-01-2024. 16-1-24
PHQ/Pers/Posts-WB-Ct/2024/974-75 Memorandum regarding Offer of Appointment to the post of Constable Telecommunication Cadre (Group 'C', Non-Gazetted), in Ladakh Police Department, in Level 2 of pay matrix (Rs. 19900-63200). 16-1-24
PHQ/Pers/Posts-WB-Ct/2024/976-79 Memorandum regarding offer of Appointment to the post Constable (Executive/Armed/IRB/HG/CD/UTDRF), (Group 'C', Non-Gazetted), in Ladakh Police Department, in Level 2 of pay matrix (Rs. 19900-63200). 16-1-24
PHQ/Pers/Cts/2023/879-86 Order regarding Essential Medical Standards examination for provisionally selected Constable in Ladakh Police(Subordinate) Service recruitment. 15-01-24
PHQ/PRB/2024-689-700 Provisional Selection List and Waiting List for the post of constable Telecom Cadre in Ladakh Police under TRP. 11-01-24
PHQ/PRB/2024-678-88 Provisional Selection List and Waiting List for the post of constable (Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF) in Ladakh Police under TRP. 11-01-24
PHQ/Pers/R-Cts/2024/464-71 Addendum regarding Advertisement No. 1 of 2023 dated 07/09/202-(Recritment in EWS Quota) 10-01-24
Estt/SPO/2023-22133-50 Order regarding waiting list of candidates for both Border Quota and General Quota against the unfulfilled vacancies. 27-12-23
LPSSRB/2023/1615-1624 Tentative answer key for the OMR based Objective Type Written Examination for the post of Constable Telecom (UT Cadre), under Advertisement No. 02 of 2023 Dated 07-09-2023, held on 10-12-2023. 19-12-23
LPSSRB/2023/1605-1614 Tentative answer key for the OMR based Objective Type Written Examination for the post of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF (UT Cadre), under Advertisement No. 01 of 2023 Dated 07-09-2023, held on 10-12-2023. 19-12-23
LPSSRB/2023/1549-1558 Conduct of computer test of the candidates who have qualified PST/PET tests in the ongoing recruitment process and have applied for desired qualification (Computer) while filling the application forms. (District Leh/Kargil) 12-12-23
LPSSRB/2023/1377-1387 Notice regarding conduct of computer test of the candidates who have qualified PST/PET tests in the ongoing recruitment process and have applied for desired qualification (Computer) while filling the application forms.(District Leh/Kargil) for post of Constable in Ladakh Police. 02-12-23
LPSSRB/2023/1340-49 Notice regarding Provisional result of PST/PET of the candidates who have applied and qualified for the written test for post of Constable in Executive, Armed /IRP, HG/CD/SDRF and Telecommunication cadre of Ladakh Police. 29-11-23
LPSSRB/2023/1309-1320 Conduct of driving test of the candidates who have qualified PST/PET tests in the ongoing recruitment process and have applied for desired qulification(Driving) while filling the application forms.(District Leh/Kargil) 27-11-23
HG/08/Engagement/2023-935-42 Notice regarding reschedule to conduct of Physical Measurement Test for the Post of Temporary Voluntary Home Guards in UT Ladakh. 18-11-23
LPSSRB/2023/1077-88 Notice regarding conduct of Physical Measurement Test(PMT) and Physical Endurance Test(PET) for various post of Constable Executive, Armed /IRP, HG/CD/SDRF and Constable Telecommunication cadre in Ladakh Police(Kargil Centre). 10-11-23
Estt/SPO/2023-19108-20 Order regarding selection list, verification of character antecedents/ documents of selected SPOs in General Category/ Border Category. 07-11-23
PHQ/Pers/SPOs-Enq/2023-18020-22 Order regarding approval of engagement as SPOs in General Category/ Border Category. 07-11-23
HG/08/Engagement/2023-1805-1812 Notice regarding reschedule to conduct of Physical Measurement Test(PMT) for the post of temporary voluntary home guards in UT Ladakh. 02-11-23
LPSSRB/2023/996-1012 Notice regarding admit card and examination centre for the post of Constable in Telecom Cadre of Ladakh Police. 30-10-23
LPSSRB/2023/951-966 Revised Notice regarding conduct of Physical Measurement Test(PMT) and Physical Endurance Test(PET) for various post of Constable in Ladakh Police. 27-10-23
LPSSRB/2023/967-983 Notice regarding conduct of Physical Measurement Test(PMT) and Physical Endurance Test(PET) for various post of Constable in Ladakh Police. 26-10-23
LPSSRB/2023/934-950 Notice regarding essential qualification criteria for the post of Constable in Telecom Cadre of Ladakh Police. 23-10-23
HG/08/Engagement/2023-1722-33/2023 Notiice regarding conduct of Physical Measurement Test for the post of temporary voluntary home guards in UT Ladakh. 14-10-23
SP/F&ES/Apptt/Foll/2023/2830-32 Order regarding appointment as Follower(Sweeper) in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Services. 13-10-23
LPSSRB/2023/918-30 Notice regarding correction in application details and required documents for the post of constable in Ladakh Police. 13-10-23
Est/SPO-Gen/Border/2023-16713-25 Public notice regarding the physical standard test (PST) and physical endurance test (PET) for the Post of SPO under General / Border quota, in Ladakh Police. 04-10-23
LPSSRB/2023/896-901 Annoucement regarding physical standard test and physical endurance test for the Post of Constable Executive, Armed /IRP, HG/CD/SDRF and Constable Telecommunication cadre in Ladakh Police. 03-10-23
LPSSRB/2023/880-94 Advertisement notice for the Post of Constable Executive, Armed /IRP, HG/CD/SDRF and Constable Telecommunication cadre in Ladakh Police. 22-9-23
Pers/PHQ/UTL/R-Cts/2023/15086 Order regarding Direct recruitment of constable in Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF cadre of Ladakh Police. 07-9-23
Pers/PHQ/UTL/Adv-Ct/Tel/2023-15125-33 Advertisement Notice for the Post of Constable Telecommunication Cadre in Ladakh Police. 07-9-23
Pers/PHQ/UTL/R-Cts/2023/15116-24 Advertisement Notice for the Post of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF in Ladakh Police. 07-09-23
Estt/HG-08/Engagement/1413-20/2023 Notice regarding postponment of physical measurement test for the post of temporary engagement of voluntary Home Guards in UT Ladakh. 30-8-23
HG/08/Engagement/2023-1370-78 Notice regarding conduct of Physical Measurement Test for the Post of temporary engagement of Voluntary Home Guards in UT Ladakh. 23-8-23
Estt/Adv-SPOs/2023-12795-809 Advertisement notice for engagement of Special Police Officer (SPO) in District Police, Leh against (53) vacancies in General Quota and (59) vacancies in the Border Quota. 17-8-23
PHQ/Pers/Rectt-fw/2023/12571-74 Notice regarding issuance of appointment orders of (08) selected Technical Staff under OM & ST category in Ladakh Prison Department. 01-8-23
PHQ/Pers/Rectt-fw/2023-12575-77 Notice regarding issuance of appointment orders of (02) selected sweepers (safaiwala) under OM & ST category in Ladakh, Fire and Rescue Service Department. 28-7-23
PHQ/Pers/Rectt-fw/2023-12563-70 Notice regarding issuance of appointment orders of (66) selected Followers in different trades under OM & ST category in Ladakh Police. 28-7-23
PHQ/Pers/2023/9768 Notice regarding document verification for newly selected followers/technical staff/safaiwala in prison department/safaiwala in fire and rescue services in Ladakh Police. 21-6-23
PHQ/PRB/2022/9738-47 Provisional selection, waiting and general merit list for the post of sweeper (safaiwala) in Ladakh Fire and Rescue sercive. 09-1-23
PHQ/PRB/2023/9718-27 Provisional selection, waiting and general merit list for the post of follower executive, armed/ IRP, HG/CD/SDRF (UT Cadre) in Ladakh Police. 09-6-23
PHQ/PRB/2022/9728-37 Provisional selection, waiting and general merit list for the post of technical staff (carpenter grade II, electrician grade II, Plumber grade II, barber grade III, dhobi/washerman grade II and cook) and safaiwala in Ladakh Prison Department. 09-6-23
LPSSRB/2023/788-97 Notice regarding result of document verification and rejection list for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 10-5-23
LPSSRB/2023/676 Notice regarding Helpline No for issues/queries related to examination for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 15-3-23
LPSSRB/2023/664-73 Notice regarding admit card and examination centre for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 14-3-23
LPSSRB/2023/645-654 Notice regarding admit card and Trade tests for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 10-3-23
LPSSRB/2023/622-631 Corrigendum for notification regarding Trade/Technical tests for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 24-2-23
LPSSRB/2023/612-621 Notification regarding Trade/Technical tests for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 23-2-23
LPSSRB/2023/602-610 Notification regarding rejected list of candidates under Outstanding Sports Person category. 17-2-23
PHQL/SP/UTDRF/2023-254-63 Advertisement Notice for the post of Voluntary Home Guards on Temporary basis for Six Years in Home Guards UT Ladakh. 2-2-23
PHQ/PRB/2022/1085-93 Final Result of various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 20-1-23
LPSSRB/2022/552-58 Notice regarding direct recruitment of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF in Ladakh Police, Under the quota for Outstanding Sports Person. 21-12-22
LPSSRB/2022-369-77 Notice regarding written examination and venue for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 18-11-22
LPSSRB/2022-303-310 Notice regarding written test for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 7-11-22
LPSSRB/2022-295-302 Notice regarding desired qualification test(Computer typing test and Driving test) for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 7-11-22
LPSSRB/2022/279-85 Notice regarding cancellation of candidature on the basis of Document Verification for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 4-11-22
LPSSRB/2022-271-78 Notice for Clarification regarding notice under endorsement No, LPSSRB/2022-260-270 dated 04-11-2022. 4-11-22
LPSSRB/2022-260-270 Notice regarding the list of Candidates who have qualified the PMT/PET Events for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 4-11-22
LPSSRB/2022-235-42 Notice regarding submission of required documents to the office of Chairman LPSSRB at PHQ Complex Agling Leh, for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 26-10-22
LPSSRB/2022-83-92 Notice regarding availability of admit card for downloading, details about venue & date for conducting PMT & PTE tests for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 30-9-22
LPSSRB/62-68 Notice regarding postponement of physical test for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 20-9-22
LPSSRB/50-58 Notice regarding correction and list of candidates for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 6-9-22
PHQ/Pers/Rect/2022-566-75 Notice for tentative date of PST/PET for various posts in Ladakh Fire & Rescue Service & Ladakh Prison Department of Ladakh Police. 29-8-22
PHQ/UTL/Pers/2022/5447-53 Notice issued by AIG of Police (Personnel) regarding the ongoing recruitment in Ladakh Police for selected candidates directing them to report at PHQ, Agling for medical examination. 23-7-2022
PHQ/PRB/2022/15455-65 Provisional Selection List and Waiting List for the Post of Constable (Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF) in Ladakh Police under TRP. 22-7-2022
PHQ/Rectt/2022/522-32 Notice regarding extension of last date for online submission of form for the Post of Fireman, Fireman Driver, Fireman Ministerial and Sweeper in Ladakh Fire and Rescue service. 18-3-2022
PHQ/PRB/2022-470-78 Notice regarding written test to the post of Constable in Ladakh Police. 07-5-2022
PHQ/PRB/2022-338-47 Advertisement Notice issued by Chairman, Ladakh Police, Subordinate Service Recruitment Board, UT Ladakh regarding downloading of admit card from Ladakh Police recruitment. 27-4-2022
PHQ/PERS/Rec/F&Rs-2022-10026-42 Advertisement Notice for the post of Fireman, Fireman Driver, Fireman Ministerial, and Sweeper(Safaiwala) in Ladakh Fire and Rescue Service. 22-04-22
PHQ/PERS/Rec/Prison-2022-10043-52 Advertisement Notice for the post of Warder/Warder Driver,Tehnical Staff(Carpenter Grade-II, Electrician Grade-II,Plumber Grade-II,Barber Grade-III Dhobi/Washerman Grade-II and Cook) and Safaiwala in Ladakh Prison Department. 22-04-22
PHQ/PRB/2022-294-302 Notice regarding reschedule of written exam date for the post of Constable(Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF) in Ladakh Police. 21-4-2022
PHQ/PRB/2022-248-257 Notice issued by Chairman, Ladakh Police, Subordinate Service Recruitment Board, UT Ladakh regarding date of test for candidates who have opted for DL TRANS and/or 1 year computer diploma. 8-4-2022
PHQ/PRB/2022-182-91 Notice regarding written test for candidates who have qualified the PMT/PET of the ongoing recruitment for the post of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF. 5-4-2022
PHQ/LP/SSRB/2022/192-94 Detailed Syllabus/Test Module for desired qualification (Computer test/Driving test) for direct recruitment to the post of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF. 5-4-2022
PHQ/PRB/2022-145-153 Notice regarding extension of ongoing recruitment process (PMT/PET) for the post of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF. 31-3-2022
PHQ/Rectt/2022/131-143 Notice regarding extension of last date for online submission of form for the posts of Follower in Ladakh Police. 31-3-2022
PHQ/PRB/2022-150-61 Notice for candidates who have not yet appeared for the PMT/PET of the ongoing recruitment to the post of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF. 23-3-2022
PHQ/PRB/2022-103-114 Notice regarding reschedule of the ongoing recruitment to the post of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF after rectification of Technical Fault. 18-3-2022
PHQ/PRB/2022-70-79 Notice regarding postponement of ongoing recruitment process to the post of constable in Ladakh Police. 15-3-2022
PHQ/Pers/SO-3493 Corrigendum to Standing Order No:366 of 2021 Dated: 29-09-2021 for Direct recruitment to the post of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF. 14-3-2022
PHQ/Recruitment/2022-3786-96 Advertisement Notice for the posts of Follower Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF(UT Cadre) in Ladakh Police. 09-3-2022
PHQ/UTL/Pers/RR/2022-3420-30 PMT/PST Test for the posts of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF in Ladakh Police. 02-3-2022
PHQ/UTL/Pers/RR/2022-2270-77 Notice for tentative date of commencement of PST/PET for posts of Constable in Executive, Armed/IRP, SDRF. 14-2-2022
Pers/PHQ/UTL/R-Cts/2021/14813-14822 Advertisement Notice for the post of Constable Executive, Armed/IRP, HG/CD/SDRF in Ladakh Police. 16-10-2021
PHQ/Pers/Apptt-F&ES/21-10690-702 Temporary Appointment Order of Firemen/Firemen Driver 12-07-2021